We're back from tour! What a trip it was indeed. From filming on Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah area (see video on youtube) to visiting the Intentional-Community-Slash-Nature-Preserve-Slash-Record-Company of Orange Twin in Georgia, to singing for the wait staff at a Waffle House and hanging out on the main strip in Nashville with Mandolin Mike (before leaving a demo on Ani Difranco's tour bus, couldn't help myself) - needless to say, even off-stage, it was an exciting trip. Thanks to those wonderful friends for letting us crash on their couch/floor/beds, feeding us and keeping our off-stage hours full of joy - Ali, Emma, Jason, Vic, and the Lebings, yinz 'r great! And thanks to those who helped book and came out to our performances at the Lab (see evergreen video, more to come!), TT Reynolds and Little Kings - your support and kind words are invaluable and unforgettable.
UPCOMING SHOWS in Pittsburgh and around PA:
(BL beetle design by Chad Hammitt)
We're playing *this Saturday* March 29th at Skibo Coffeehouse at Carnegie Mellon University also. Haven't been to my alma-matter more since I gratuated than I have in the past few months, as BL's been recording there and now have a showcase! It's great to see CMU taking musical initiative with a new music mag and the updated PA system at Skibo (also the home of my first open-stage hosting gig). -This is a free, all-ages show which starts at 9pm-
Friday, April 11th @ Your Inner Vagabond, we will be having a fund raiser for an *excellent* cause (IMHO) - Agnes Wired for Sound, Ishtar and Between Liberties are all working on upcoming albums. As to not dig holes in our pants pockets and sofa cushions looking for spare change with which to produce our albums, we are asking YOU, our fans, friends and family, to support this effort. There will be FREE GIFTS from each of the bands, as well as event-only merchandise, free giveaways, a raffle, and more! This show will be recorded! -8pm, all ages, $10 suggested donation (we'll take 20! ;0)
Friday, May 2nd @ Your Inner Vagabond - Erik Mongrain is coming to Pittsburgh! And Between Liberties has been invited to open for him! This is an extreme honor for us, and a chance for you to see a great international star at a beautiful local stage. Tickets go on sale at noon this Saturday, and a link will be available from YIV's blog
Between Liberties will be playing two festivals in April: Saturday, April 12th at Jozarts in California, PA (2pm set, a Cancer Benefit Relay Show) and Saturday, April 19th, at Kalidescope Arts Festival in Slippery Rock, PA (our set time is 5pm at the Brewery stage) and
For all upcoming events at Your Inner Vagabond, visit the website, and if you'd like to be updated about those events, join the email list from the blog. About 2x/month you will recieve updates on all the great local and touring musicians that are performing on our stage, as well as trailers for the free movies, benefit events, tastings of all sort, and whatever else is fantastic enough to grace our stage and space. www.YourInnerVagabond.com
For those of you who pray (in your own way): Josh Clary, a friend of many and a cornerstone of the jam-rock scene in Pittsburgh has been in the hospital for over a week now. His family, bandmates and friends have been trying to keep optimistic about his recovery and are hoping he will be able to continue making music and doing other things he loves when he does recover. Please keep this talented and kind young man in your thoughts, prayers and hearts. We love you Josh!
Hope to see you soon.
Much love,
Between Liberties
*BetweenLIberties.com has been Updated* to include photo galleries, video, merchandise information, all upcoming shows, and more!